§ 51.06 TAPPING.
   Before any tapping to any water main shall be performed, a permit must first be obtained from the city and upon the payment to the city of a tapping fee plus a further sum set from time to time by the Council to cover the cost of street repair, a three-fourths-inch meter will be installed for residential units. Should a larger meter of up to one inch be required, an additional tapping charge set from time to time by the Council shall be paid by the consumer in addition to the actual expense incurred by the city in completing the tapping. If a customer desires a larger meter, the customer must purchase the meter, and the meter must measure in gallons. All such tappings shall be performed by the City Foreman of the waterworks or his or her agents; and no taps shall be made between the water main and the inside of the water meter; and no ties, branches, or other taps shall be made between the water main and the inside of the water meter. It shall be unlawful for any person except the City Foreman of the waterworks, or his or her agents, or the Fire Department in case of fire, to turn on or off the water at the curb or at any other place on city property.
(Prior Code, § 3.6) Penalty, see § 51.99