(A)   Yards.
      (1)   The front and side yard restrictions at the periphery of the planned unit development site at a minimum shall be the same as imposed in the respective districts.
      (2)   No building shall be located less than 25 feet from the back of the right-of-way line along those platted roadways.
   (B)   Roadways.
      (1)   Private roadways within the project shall have an improved surface to 20 feet or more in width and shall be so designed as to permit city fire trucks to provide protection to each building.
      (2)   No portion of the required 20-foot road system may be used in calculating required off-street parking space.
   (C)   Utility connection.
      (1)   Water connections. Where more than one property is served from the same service line, a shutoff valve must be located in such a way that each unit’s service may be shut off by the city, in addition to the normally supplied shutoff at the street.
      (2)   Sewer connections. Where more than one unit is served by a sanitary sewer lateral which exceeds 300 feet in length, provisions must be made for a manhole to allow adequate cleaning and maintenance of the lateral. All maintenance and cleaning shall be the responsibility of the property owners’ association or owner.
   (D)   Building types. In addition to the conventional type of construction and arrangements of building, structure uses and property as allowed by this subchapter, it shall be permissible to cluster, adjoin, and attach structures in a row house, townhouse, patio home, or similar style of development within the planned unit development.
   (E)   Density increases. The number of residential units or structures within the planned unit development may be increased under provisions within this section if the City Council finds that the project meets the criteria established for granting conditional use permits and if the amount of permanent open space within the project area is at least 25% of the project area. As a consequence of all planned unit developments’ planned and integrated character, the number of dwelling units allowed within the respective zoning district may be increased by 25%. The building, parking, and similar requirements for these extra units shall be observed in compliance with this chapter.
   (F)   Subdivision and ownership. It shall be permissible within a planned unit development to subdivide properties into lesser size parcels for individual ownership and create common open space areas in undivided proportions under joint ownerships. Such ownership arrangements are commonly defined as condominium and/or cooperative developments. The joint area of the project must conform to the minimum area requirements established for the respective district classification which jointly applies to the property.
   (G)   Minimum project size.
      (1)   Within Residential Districts, a planned unit development shall not be applied to a parcel of land containing less than one acre.
      (2)   Within a Commercial or Industrial District, a planned unit development shall not be applied to a parcel of land containing less than two acres.
   (H)   Public services. The proposed project shall be served by the city water and sewer system if within 300 feet of existing lines, and fire hydrants shall be installed at such locations as necessary to provide fire protection.
   (I)   Shoreland areas. For planned unit developments located within shoreland areas, the preliminary plans must be approved by the Commissioner of Natural Resources prior to the final approval by the city.
(Prior Code, § 13.40)