§ 154.100 INTENT.
   The city finds that the extraction of minerals by underground and/or surface mining is a basic and essential activity making an important contribution to the economic well-being of the city. The economical availability of iron ore, sand, gravel, rock, soil, and other materials is vital to their continued growth. The city further finds that it is not practicable to extract minerals required by society without disturbing the surface of the earth and producing waste materials. The danger exists that no compatible land uses could unnecessarily deny the benefit of these materials to society in the future. It is further found that the character of mining may create undesirable land and water conditions which can be detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare and property rights of the citizens of the community. However, if properly regulated and if rehabilitation of surface mined lands is required, mining can take place within the city in such a manner that undesirable side effects of the operation may be restricted to an acceptable level.
(Prior Code, § 13.33)