(A)   No land shall be subdivided for building purposes unless two adequate sites are available on the newly created lot for a conforming on-site sewage treatment system, or the subdivider constructs a cluster system serving the lots to be owned and maintained by a property owner’s association or the lot is provided with sanitary service by a municipal sewer system at the expense of the subdivider.
   (B)   A municipal sewer system shall be extended to the lot at the subdivider’s expense by agreement in a development contract between the subdivider and the City Council if the existing system is adjacent to the parcel being subdivided or reasonably close in the opinion of the engineer and Planning Commission, or if the density of the proposed development necessitates a municipal sewer connection. The sewer shall also be extended to the exterior boundary of the subdivision at locations designated by the engineer.
   (C)   On-site systems or cluster on-site systems shall conform to the state’s Pollution Control Agency Standards, individual sewage treatment systems standard, (Chapter 7080 of the state’s Administrative Rules), and provide for two treatment sites for drainfields.
   (D)   Municipal sewage facilities shall be designed by a registered engineer, approved by the City Engineer, approved by the state’s Pollution Control Agency, and installed according to “standard utilities specifications”, City Engineer’s Association of the state.
(Ord. 2016-03, passed - -)