Each permit that is issued shall be subject to the following conditions:
   (A)   Sidewalk remaining for use by pedestrians shall be a minimum of five feet in width in addition to the area presently occupied by trees, transformer boxes, or other permanent installations;
   (B)   The sidewalk shall be used for the permitted purpose only;
   (C)   Each permittee shall fully indemnify the city against claims for injury to persons or damage to property;
   (D)   Each permittee shall maintain general liability insurance that includes premises and operations insurance and products and completed operations insurance with minimum coverage amounts of $50,000 per occurrence, $10,000 per occurrence for property damage, and $300,000 aggregate for personal injury or death, and which names the city as an additional insured;
   (E)   Property placed on the sidewalk by a permit holder shall not obstruct or interfere with building exits, fire hydrants, standpipes, or other public safety equipment;
   (F)   No food or beverage shall be sold on the public sidewalk for immediate consumption except by a licensed restaurant and only in compliance with all state and local regulations for restaurants. No alcoholic beverages shall be sold or served on the public sidewalk for immediate consumption or otherwise except by an establishment holding a valid license encompassing such public sidewalk, and only in compliance with all state and local regulations for the sale of alcoholic beverages. All waste liquids and foods; disposable cups, glasses, plates, and utensils; and waste paper shall be placed in covered garbage receptacles;
   (G)   All furniture placed on the sidewalk by a permit holder shall be suitable for and manufactured for outdoor use and shall be maintained in good condition;
   (H)   No tables, chairs, or other furniture intended to enable or promote public seating shall be placed or allowed to remain on the sidewalk from November 1 through March 31. All furniture placed on the sidewalk must be removed from the sidewalk at the close of business and brought indoors, and may not be placed on the sidewalk before 8:00 a.m.; and
   (I)   A garbage receptacle with a cover must be provided by the permittee and placed on the sidewalk within the permitted area at all times when the sidewalk is being used pursuant to the permit.
(Ord. 2017-04, passed - -) Penalty, see § 111.99