No person, firm, or corporation shall own or operate a short-term rental on any premises within the city unless the short-term rental has been registered annually with the city. All STRP permits shall expire on December 31 of each calendar year and is the responsibility of the owner to renew the permit.
   (A)   Renewal applications shall include at minimum:
      (1)   Payment of renewal fee; and
      (2)   A statement verified by affidavit that:
         (a)   Includes all of the information required in an application under § 64.002(C); and
         (b)   The STRP continues to be in full compliance with all applicable laws, including payment of all applicable taxes.
   (B)   STRP permit shall not be transferred or assigned to another individual, person, entity, or address, nor shall the permit authorize any person, other than the person named therein, to operate a STRP on the property.
(Ord. 278-2019, passed 10-1-19)