(A)   This regulation and article shall not apply to dwellings for which permits have been approved before the effective date of this article, including dwellings that are being remodeled, reconstructed or replaced after damage by fire, windstorm or other casualty.
   (B)   Subdivision or tract developments already in progress where such enforcement of regulations would substantially alter the uniform character of the subdivision or tract development.
   (C)   Dwellings not within subdivisions or tract developments.
   (D)   Cases where the applicant for a permit could not expect to anticipate the design of a neighboring dwelling for which a permit has already been issued, but not under construction.
   (E)   Apartment complexes, condominiums, residential planned unit developments in which similarity of architectural form and style among dwellings is integral to the success of a unified plan in which the high quality of building materials, building plan and site plan details overcome the presumed deficiencies of similarity. In such cases, the developer shall request, the Board of Zoning Adjustments may grant an exception to this article as a condition of a planning unit development.
(Ord. 128-1998, passed 7-16-98)