§ 70.205 FEES
   (A)   The electrical inspector(s) shall have the right to charge a reasonable fee, which shall be full and complete compensation for services rendered by it in the making of said inspection, which fee shall also include the rendering of written reports. The fee shall be paid by the contractor or person or persons installing, altering replacing or repairing said electrical wiring or equipment, and no part thereof shall be paid by the city. The fees to be charged and paid for the inspections, hereinafter provided for, shall be in accordance with the recognized scale of fees charged for similar work and inspections by the electrical inspector(s) and shall not be in excess thereof. Specifically, the fees shall be charged and paid according to the schedule attached hereto marked "Fees as of ________________." These fees shall be paid before the inspector issues a final written approval to the utility company which authorizes it to provide electrical service to the structure or installation.
   (B)   For each reinspection of any overhead, underground or interior wiring demanded by the installing party or owner and for any extra inspection made as a result to the installing party's or owner's inaccurate or incorrect information, failure to make reports or faulty construction, a charge of $ ________ per hour shall be made by the City Electrical Inspector(s), payable to the electrical inspector(s) for time consumed in making such inspections.
(Ord. 102-1995, passed 11-7-95)