(A)   No owner, keeper, or harborer of a dog more than 3 months of age, nor owner of a dog kennel, shall fail to file an application for registration and pay the fee required by R.C. § 955.01. A dog found not wearing a valid tag shall be prima-facie evidence of lack of registration and shall subject any dog found not wearing such a tag to impounding, sale, or destruction.
   (B)   No owner, keeper, or harborer of a dog shall fail to require the dog to wear at all times a valid tag issued in connection with a certificate of registration.
   (C)   This section shall not apply to a dog constantly confined to a dog kennel registered under R.C. Chapter 955 or one licensed under R.C. Chapter 956.
   (D)   No person shall own, keep, or harbor a dog wearing a fictitious, altered, or invalid registration tag or a registration tag not issued by the County Auditor in connection with the registration of that animal.
   (E)   No person shall obstruct or interfere with anyone lawfully engaged in capturing an unlicensed dog or making an examination of a dog wearing a tag.
   (F)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine of not more than $150. Any additional punishment shall be as provided under Ohio statutes.
(Ord. 1664, passed 10-13-2014)