Any garage that is to be used for living quarters shall be built with garage doors and cement or concrete floors. Such garage shall be located not less than fifty feet (50') from the street line, and when such lot is a corner lot, such garage shall be not less than twenty five feet (25') from the side street line. No such building shall be used for living quarters for more than one year from the date of completion of such garage house, as evidenced by the records of the building inspector. (Ord. 267, 9-27-1961)
There shall be a side yard on each side of every residence or dwelling, which said yard on each side shall have a width of not less than ten percent (10%) of the total width of the lot, up to and including lots forty feet (40') wide.
Where a residence or dwelling is to be constructed on a lot over forty feet (40') wide, or on two (2) or more lots totaling over forty feet (40') frontage, the said yard shall be not less than four feet (4') on each side, excepting corner lots, where the street side shall in all cases be at least ten feet (10'). (Ord. 267, 9-27-1961)
Garages and outbuildings in residence districts must not be placed closer than five feet (5') to any side or rear lot line. All accessory buildings, shall not be closer than ten feet (10') to the dwelling. In construction where garages are attached to the building, a firewall with masonite or five-eighths inch (5/8") drywall shall be used with suitable fire stops. (Ord. 482-N, 12-13-1995)
No structure or building of any kind shall be erected or altered in the residential portion or district of the village, so that the front of said building or structure, including porches, whether open or closed, is nearer than twenty feet (20') of the street lot line, or the line as established by the majority of the dwellings in the block. Where a district has been zoned for business purposes, no structure or building nor any appurtenance thereof, shall be erected or altered so that the front or side of said building or structure is nearer than three feet (3') to the street lot line where the street is less than fifty feet (50') in width. (Ord. 267, 9-27-1961)