There is hereby created the office of the electrical inspector, who shall be appointed by the mayor with the consent of the board of trustees. The electrical inspector is hereby authorized and empowered to enforce the provisions of this chapter with reference to all electrical work within the village. No electrical work shall be performed within the village until a permit has been secured therefor from the electrical inspector. After said electrical work has been completed, no current or power shall be connected or transmitted to such electrical work until after the same has been inspected and approved by the electrical inspector. The electrical inspector shall have the right to enter any premises or any building or other structure in the necessary performance of such duty and any person who denies or obstructs the performance of such duty shall be deemed in violation of this chapter and punished accordingly. The electrical inspector shall:
(A) Issue permits and require all building projects to be completed in compliance with the standards established in the codes adopted by the village.
(B) Inspect premises for electrical code violations (or direct an electrician otherwise employed by the village to so inspect) to ensure the continued safety of the residents of the village of Creve Coeur and direct the police to issue tickets if electrical work is not in compliance with the codes.
(C) Keep records in the village hall so that the records are accessible to village officials and the public, if requested.
1. Records to be kept are permits, contractor registration and inspection reports, including pictures if applicable.
(D) Produce quarterly reports which must:
1. List all permits issued, inspections, contractor registrations and reasons why a particular property was inspected.
2. List hours worked, and requests for reimbursement.
3. Be given to the chairman of the buildings and grounds committee and the village clerk who will maintain a copy of the quarterly reports for the village trustees. (Ord. 707, 12-14-2011)
All builders or owners of buildings or structures being constructed under this chapter shall notify the building inspector and the electrical inspector twenty four (24) hours prior to lathing said building or structure and both the building inspector and electrical inspector shall make an inspection of said building or structure at least twenty four (24) hours after said notice and prior to the lathing of said building or structure. (Ord. 267, 9-27-1961)
No person shall hereafter locate, build, construct, or alter any filling station or public garage within two hundred feet (200') of any public theater, school, or church building. No person shall hereafter locate, build, construct, or alter any store building or business house, including filling stations and public garages, on any lot in the village where two-thirds (2/3) of the unimproved property measured by frontage is used exclusively for residential purposes within a distance of two hundred feet (200') on both sides of the street adjacent to the lot on which it is proposed to erect or alter such building, without first obtaining the written consent of the majority of the property owners, measured by frontage, and including both improved and unimproved property within said distance of two hundred feet (200') on both sides of the street adjacent to said lot on which said building is to be erected, located or altered. Any such application shall be referred to the zoning board for examination by them, and no such consent shall be deemed to change, vary or alter any of the provisions of the zoning provisions of this village, unless properly pursuant under the provisions of said zoning title for such variance, should a variance be in order. (Ord. 267, 9-27-1961)
Any garage that is to be used for living quarters shall be built with garage doors and cement or concrete floors. Such garage shall be located not less than fifty feet (50') from the street line, and when such lot is a corner lot, such garage shall be not less than twenty five feet (25') from the side street line. No such building shall be used for living quarters for more than one year from the date of completion of such garage house, as evidenced by the records of the building inspector. (Ord. 267, 9-27-1961)