The following conditions shall control the employment of persons twenty one (21) years of age and under in establishments licensed to sell alcoholic liquor under this chapter:
   (A)   Subject to the exceptions in subsection (B) of this section, it shall be unlawful for any licensee to suffer or permit the employment of any person under the age of twenty one (21) whether such person is paid or not to draw, pour, or mix any alcoholic liquor or to serve as a cashier or check-out clerk for the sale of any alcoholic liquor.
   (B)   Persons aged eighteen (18) through twenty one (21) may be employed as waiters, waitresses or busboys or girls in any restaurant licensed under this chapter. Persons aged eighteen (18) through twenty one (21) may serve beverages containing alcoholic liquor to patrons if that beverage was poured or mixed by an employee over twenty one (21).
   (C)   Persons aged sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) may also be employed as waiters, waitresses or busboys or girls in any restaurant licensed under this chapter, but sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) year olds may not serve beverages containing alcoholic liquor to patrons under any circumstances.
   (D)   Any underage employee, aged sixteen (16) through twenty one (21) may be employed as stock boys or girls in any grocery store or package liquor store licensed under this chapter. (Ord. 820B, 7-11-2018)