The hours of business for such dramshop or tavern in the Village shall be as follows:
   (A)   Class A, Class C, Class D, Class V, and Class G licenses: The closing hour shall be at four o'clock (4:00) A.M. each morning. At the designated closing hour, the bar or the dramshop, or in the case of a Class G licensee, the area where alcohol is served shall be closed and all patrons or customers shall be vacated from said place not later than fifteen (15) minutes after the closing hour.
   (B)   Class B, Class L, Class M, Class J, Class K, and Class W licenses: The closing hour shall be one o'clock (1:00) A.M. each morning.
   (C)   In all classes of license, the bar shall be closed at the designated hour, herein set forth, and all customers or patrons shall be vacated from the barroom within fifteen (15) minutes thereafter, whether their drinks have been consumed or not. No drink shall be served after the closing hour.
No tavern holding any class of license issued hereunder shall open prior to six o'clock (6:00) A.M., Monday through Saturday, nor before nine o'clock (9:00) A.M. on Sundays; all times herein referred to shall be the prevailing time in force in the Village.
For the purpose as herein used, the word "closed" shall be construed to apply to the operation of the bar and the extinguishment of all signs. No drinks shall be served after the closing time, above, and the whole of the licensed premises shall be locked and vacated except for the owner, bartender and actual employees, or a watchman.
The fact that food is being served on the licensed premises shall not affect the closing requirements pertaining to the closing of the whole of the licensed premises, and no intoxicating beverages may be served from the licensed premises to any other part of those or any other premises. (Ord. 820B, 7-11-2018)