(A)   Regulatory: No land, after the effective date of this Title, shall be subdivided within the Village or within one and one-half (11/2) miles thereof over which the Village has jurisdiction, the plats thereof filed or recorded, nor any street laid out, nor any improvement made to such subdivision or subdivided land, until the plat or plats of the subdivision have been certified to and approved by action specified herein.
   (B)   Conformity With Comprehensive Plan: The layout of the subdivision shall be in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan.
No land shall be subdivided for any use unless access to the land over streets exists or shall be provided for by the subdivider in the manner as provided herein.
   (C)   Advisory: In order to conserve time, effort and expenses, the subdivider may consult with the Zoning Board and the Plat Officer prior to the preparation of the tentative plan of the subdivision. Requirements for streets, school, parks or recreational sites; shopping centers, community facilities, sanitation, water facilities, and drainage, and relation to other developments, existing and proposed, in the vicinity shall be analyzed in advance of the preparation of the preliminary plat. (Ord .962, 10-26-2022)