By occupying or constructing facilities in the right-of-way, a utility shall be deemed to agree to defend, indemnify and hold the Village and its elected and appointed officials and officers, employees, agents and representatives harmless from and against any and all injuries, claims, demands, judgments, damages, losses and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs of suit or defense, arising out of, resulting from or alleged to arise out of or result from the negligent, careless or wrongful acts, omissions, failures to act or misconduct of the utility or its affiliates, officers, employees, agents, contractors or subcontractors in the construction of facilities or occupancy of the rights-of-way, and in providing or offering service over the facilities, whether such acts or omissions are authorized, allowed or prohibited by this chapter or by a franchise, license, or similar agreement; provided, however, that the utility's indemnity obligations hereunder shall not apply to any injuries, claims, demands, judgments, damages, losses or expenses arising out of or resulting from the negligence, misconduct or breach of this chapter by the Village, its officials, officers, employees, agents or representatives. (Ord. 814, 4-11-2018)
8-11-10: SECURITY:
   (A)   Purpose: The permittee shall establish a Security Fund in a form and in an amount as set forth in this section. The Security Fund shall be continuously maintained in accordance with this section at the permittee's sole cost and expense until the completion of the work authorized under the permit. The Security Fund shall serve as security for:
      1.   The faithful performance by the permittee of all the requirements of this chapter;
      2.   Any expenditure, damage, or loss incurred by the Village occasioned by the permittee's failure to comply with any codes, rules, regulations, orders, permits and other directives of the Village issued pursuant to this chapter; and
      3.   The payment by permittee of all liens and all damages, claims, costs, or expenses that the Village may pay or incur by reason of any action or non-performance by permittee in violation of this chapter including, without limitation, any damage to public property or restoration work the permittee is required by this chapter to perform that the Village must perform itself or have completed as a consequence solely of the permittee's failure to perform or complete, and all other payments due the Village from the permittee pursuant to this chapter or any other applicable law.
   (B)   Form: The permittee shall provide the Security Fund to the Village in the form, at the permittee's election, of cash, a surety bond in a form acceptable to the Village, or an unconditional letter of credit in a form acceptable to the Village. Any surety bond or letter of credit provided pursuant to this subsection shall, at a minimum:
      1.   Provide that it will not be canceled without prior notice to the Village and the permittee;
      2.   Not require the consent of the permittee prior to the collection by the Village of any amounts covered by it; and
      3.   Shall provide a location convenient to the Village and within the State of Illinois at which it can be drawn.
   (C)   Amount: The dollar amount of the Security Fund shall be sufficient to provide for the reasonably estimated cost to restore the right-of-way to at least as good a condition as that existing prior to the construction under the permit, as determined by the Mayor and the Board of Trustees after consultation with an engineer employed by the Village if necessary. The dollar amount may also include reasonable, directly related costs that the Village estimates are likely to be incurred if the permittee fails to perform such restoration. Where the construction of facilities proposed under the permit will be performed in phases in multiple locations in the Village, with each phase consisting of construction of facilities in one location or a related group of locations, and where construction in another phase will not be undertaken prior to substantial completion of restoration in the previous phase or phases, the Village may, in the exercise of sound discretion, allow the permittee to post a single amount of security which shall be applicable to each phase of the construction under the permit. The amount of the Security Fund for phased construction shall be equal to the greatest amount that would have been required under the provisions of this subsection (C) for any single phase.
   (D)   Withdrawals: The Village, upon fourteen (14) days' advance written notice clearly stating the reason for, and its intention to exercise withdrawal rights under this subsection, may withdraw an amount from the Security Fund, provided that the permittee has not reimbursed the Village for such amount within the fourteen (14) day notice period. Withdrawals may be made if the permittee:
      1.   Fails to make any payment required to be made by the permittee hereunder;
      2.   Fails to pay any liens relating to the facilities that are due and unpaid;
      3.   Fails to reimburse the Village for any damages, claims, costs or expenses which the Village has been compelled to pay or incur by reason of any action or non-performance by the permittee; or
      4.   Fails to comply with any provision of this chapter that the Village determines can be remedied by an expenditure of an amount in the Security Fund.
   (E)   Replenishment: Within fourteen (14) days after receipt of written notice from the Village that any amount has been withdrawn from the Security Fund, the permittee shall restore the Security Fund to the amount specified in subsection (C) of this section.
   (F)   Interest: The permittee may request that any and all interest accrued on the amount in the Security Fund be returned to the permittee by the Village, upon written request for said withdrawal to the Village, provided that any such withdrawal does not reduce the Security Fund below the minimum balance required in subsection (C) of this section.
   (G)   Closing And Return Of Security Fund: Upon completion of the work authorized under the permit, the permittee shall be entitled to the return of the Security Fund, or such portion thereof as remains on deposit, within a reasonable time after account is taken for all offsets necessary to compensate the Village for failure by the permittee to comply with any provisions of this chapter or other applicable law. In the event of any revocation of the permit, the Security Fund, and any and all accrued interest therein, shall become the property of the Village to the extent necessary to cover any reasonable costs, loss or damage incurred by the Village as a result of said revocation, provided that any amounts in excess of said costs, loss or damage shall be refunded to the permittee.
   (H)   Rights Not Limited: The rights reserved to the Village with respect to the Security Fund are in addition to all other rights of the Village, whether reserved by this chapter or otherwise authorized by law, and no action, proceeding or exercise of right with respect to said Security Fund shall affect any other right the Village may have. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Village shall not be entitled to a double monetary recovery with respect to any of its rights which may be infringed or otherwise violated. (Ord. 814, 4-11-2018)
   (A)   Village Right To Revoke Permit: The Village may revoke or suspend a permit issued pursuant to this chapter for one or more of the following reasons:
      1.   Fraudulent, false, misrepresenting, or materially incomplete statements in the permit application;
      2.   Non-compliance with this chapter;
      3.   Permittee's physical presence or presence of permittee's facilities on, over, above, along, upon, under, across, or within the public rights-of-way presents a direct or imminent threat to the public health, safety, or welfare; or
      4.   Permittee's failure to construct the facilities substantially in accordance with the permit and approved plans.
   (B)   Notice Of Revocation Or Suspension: The Village shall send written notice of its intent to revoke or suspend a permit issued pursuant to this chapter stating the reason or reasons for the revocation or suspension and the alternatives available to permittee under this section.
   (C)   Permittee Alternatives Upon Receipt Of Notice Of Revocation Or Suspension: Upon receipt of a written notice of revocation or suspension from the Village, the permittee shall have the following options:
      1.   Immediately provide the Village with evidence that no cause exists for the revocation or suspension;
      2.   Immediately correct, to the satisfaction of the Village, the deficiencies stated in the written notice, providing written proof of such correction to the Village within five (5) working days after receipt of the written notice of revocation; or
      3.   Immediately remove the facilities located on, over, above, along, upon, under, across, or within the public rights-of-way and restore the rights-of-way to the satisfaction of the Village providing written proof of such removal to the Village within ten (10) days after receipt of the written notice of revocation. The Village may, in its discretion, for good cause shown, extend the time periods provided in this subsection.
   (D)   Stop Work Order: In addition to the issuance of a notice of revocation or suspension, the Village may issue a stop work order immediately upon discovery of any of the reasons for revocation set forth within subsection (A) of this section.
   (E)   Failure Or Refusal Of The Permittee To Comply: If the permittee fails to comply with the provisions of subsection (C) of this section, the Village or its designee may, at the option of the Village:
      1.   Correct the deficiencies;
      2.   Upon not less than twenty (20) days' notice to the permittee, remove the subject facilities or equipment; or
      3.   After not less than thirty (30) days' notice to the permittee of failure to cure the non-compliance, deem them abandoned and property of the Village. The permittee shall be liable in all events to the Village for all costs of removal. (Ord. 814, 4-11-2018)
   (A)   Notification Of Change: A utility shall notify the Village no less than thirty (30) days prior to the transfer of ownership of any facility in the right-of-way or change in identity of the utility. The new owner of the utility or the facility shall have all the obligations and privileges enjoyed by the former owner under the permit, if any, and all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, including this chapter, with respect to the work and facilities in the right-of-way.
   (B)   Amended Permit: A new owner shall request that any current permit be amended to show current ownership. If the new owner fails to have a new or amended permit issued in its name, the new owner shall be presumed to have accepted, and agreed to be bound by, the terms and conditions of the permit if the new owner uses the facility or allows it to remain on the Village's right-of- way.
   (C)   Insurance And Bonding: All required insurance coverage or bonding must be changed to reflect the name of the new owner upon transfer. (Ord. 814, 4-11-2018)
   (A)   Standards And Principles: All construction in the right-of- way shall be consistent with applicable ordinances, codes, laws, rules and regulations, and commonly recognized and accepted traffic control and construction principles, sound engineering judgment and, where applicable, the principles and standards set forth in the following IDOT publications:
      1.   Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction;
      2.   Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions;
      3.   Highway Design Manual;
      4.   Highway Standards Manual;
      5.   Standard Specifications for Traffic Control Items;
      6.   Illinois Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices (92 Ill. Adm. Code section 545);
      7.   Flagger's Handbook; and
      8.   Work Site Protection Manual for Daylight Maintenance Operations.
   (B)   Interpretation Of Municipal Standards And Principles: If a discrepancy exists between or among differing principles and standards required by this chapter, the Village shall determine, in the exercise of sound engineering judgment, which principles apply and such decision shall be final. If requested, the Village shall state which standard or principle will apply to the construction, maintenance, or operation of a facility in the future. (Ord. 814, 4-11-2018)
   (A)   Minimum Requirements: The Village's minimum requirements for traffic protection are contained in IDOT's Illinois Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices and this Code.
   (B)   Warning Signs, Protective Devices, And Flaggers: The utility is responsible for providing and installing warning signs, protective devices and flaggers, when necessary, meeting all applicable Federal, State, and local requirements for protection of the public and the utility's workers when performing any work on the public rights-of-way.
   (C)   Interference With Traffic: All work shall be phased so that there is minimum interference with pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
   (D)   Notice When Access Is Blocked: At least forty eight (48) hours prior to beginning work that will partially or completely block access to any residence, business or institution, the utility shall notify the resident, business or institution of the approximate beginning time and duration of such work; provided, however, that in cases involving emergency repairs pursuant to section 8-11-20 of this chapter, the utility shall provide such notice as is practicable under the circumstances.
   (E)   Compliance: The utility shall take immediate action to correct any deficiencies in traffic protection requirements that are brought to the utility's attention by the Village. (Ord. 814, 4-11-2018)