The application for a permit shall be denied or the permit canceled during the following circumstances:
   (A)   If the Chairman of Street and Alley Committee finds either before or after granting a permit, that the maintenance of a bench at the proposed location would tend to obstruct passage along a public way, or to create a hazard to persons traveling thereon, he shall deny the application.
   (B)   If the abutting property owners or owner of property within one hundred feet (100') of any bench protests in writing that they will be or are adversely affected by the maintenance of such bench, a Committee consisting of the members of the Streets and Alley Committee of the Board of Trustees shall hear their grievances, upon reasonable notice to the person maintaining such bench. If, upon such hearing, a majority of such Committee find that any protesting property owner suffers special damages to his property by reason of the maintenance of such bench, the Chairman of Street and Alley Committee shall deny the application, or if the application has been approved, the permit to maintain such bench shall be rescinded and the permittee directed to remove the same within thirty (30) days.