In the following exceptional cases, a minor on a street during the nocturnal hours for which Section 531.02 is intended to provide the maximum limits of regulation shall not be considered in violation of this chapter:
   (a)   When accompanied by a parent of such minor.
   (b)   When accompanied by an adult authorized by a parent of such minor to take the parent's place in accompanying the minor for a designated period of time and purpose within a specified area.
   (c)   When exercising First Amendment rights protected by the United States Constitution such as the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech and the right of assembly.
   (d)   When the minor is on the sidewalk of the place where such minor resides, or on the sidewalk of either next-door neighbor not communicating an objection to the police officer.
   (e)   When returning home by a direct route from, and within thirty minutes of the termination of a school activity, or an activity of a religious or other voluntary association, or after leaving place of employment.
   (f)   When the minor is, with parental consent, in a motor vehicle. This also exempts interstate travel beginning or ending in the Municipality.
   (g)   Each of the foregoing exceptions, and their several limitations, such as provisions for notification are severable, and additional, also severable exceptions, broadening with the progress toward maturity of minors enrolled respectively in elementary, junior high and high schools, will be considered by Council as warranted by future experience illuminated by the views of student government associations, school personnel, citizens, associations, ward, percinct and neighborhood spokesmen, parents, officers and persons in authority concerned positively with minors as well as with juvenile delinquency.
      (Ord. 1593. Passed 10-15-84.)