(a)   Definitions. As used in this section:
      (1)   “Residential front yards” means the yard area directly in front of the habitable (main) portion of the house extending to the front property line and not occupied by a structure.
      (2)   “Residential side yards” means the yard area from the rear setback of the house extending to the side property lines and forward to the front property line and not occupied by a structure.
      (3)   “Residential area” means that portion of the Village zoned as a Residential district under the adopted Zoning Map, and used primarily for residential purposes.
      (4)   “Driveway” means the principal means of egress, not exceeding twenty- four (24) feet in width, into a property from the traveled portion of the road right of way, which shall be improved with concrete, asphalt or other materials, provided, however, that such driveway shall not occupy over forty percent (40%) of the total width of the lot. Driveways shall be designed so as to be located as much as possible in available side yards and may encroach upon a front yard only where there is insufficient width under the standards set forth in this definition to place the drive in the side yard completely.
      (5)   “Vehicle” means a motor vehicle as defined in Ohio R.C. 4501.01(B), a recreational vehicle as defined in Ohio R.C. 4501.01(Q), and trailers as defined in Ohio R.C. 4501.01(M).
   (b)   Parking Prohibited. No person shall park or leave unattended or suffer to remain parked or left unattended, a vehicle wholly or partly within a front or side yard or upon a vacant lot in a residential area, unless such vehicle is wholly within a driveway.
   (c)   Front Yard Parking Prohibited. No person shall park, store or leave unattended or allow to remain parked, stored or left unattended a vehicle wholly or partly upon a residential front yard except on a designated driveway.
   (d)   Side Yard Parking Prohibited. No person shall park, store or leave unattended or allow to remain parked, stored or left unattended a vehicle, trailer, boat or camper wholly or partly upon a residential side yard except on a designated driveway.
   (e)   Registered Owner Responsibility. If any vehicle is found to be in violation of this section, the owner or person in whose name such vehicle is registered shall be held prima facie responsible for such violation.
   (f)   Exceptions. The provisions of this section shall not apply to authorized emergency vehicles while in use for emergency purposes; or to construction equipment when such equipment can effectively operate only from within such front yards.
      (Ord. 2772. Passed 7-23-07.)