In order to enhance, preserve, protect the quality of our environment, and to minimize the damage to our public infrastructure, the Street Tree Commission shall observe the following basic regulations for the planting of tree(s) within the “Tree Lawn” or within the public right(s) of way or within any other property owned by the City:
   (a)   The depth of the “Tree Lawn” shall determine the maximum size of “Street Tree(s)” that may be planted as follows:
      (1)   “Tree lawn” depth of less than five (5) feet: No “Street Tree(s)” shall be planted.
      (2)   “Tree lawn” depth of more than five (5) feet and up to seven (7) feet: Small or medium “Street Tree(s)” only may be planted.
      (3)   “Tree lawn” depth of over seven (7) feet: Medium or large “Street Tree(s)” may be planted and they shall be planted midway between the curb and sidewalk except in special plantings designed or approved by the Street Tree Commission.
   (b)   “Street Tree(s)” shall be planted no closer than together than the following:
      (1)   Small trees (under wires) not less than twenty-five (25) feet apart.
      (2)   Medium trees not less than thirty (30) feet nor more than forty-five (45) feet apart.
      (3)   Large trees not less than fifty (50) feet apart.
   (c)   “Street Tree(s)” shall be planted no closer to any curb or sidewalk or on a public right(s) of way where there is an absence of a sidewalk, than the following:
      (1)   Small and medium trees: Two and one-half (2 ½) feet.
      (2)   Large trees: Three and one-half (3 ½) feet.
   (d)   Small “Street Tree(s)” only shall be planted under existing primary electrical lines with approval of the utilities or within five (5) lateral feet of underground water line/sewer, gas or other underground utilities.
   (e)   “Street Tree(s)” shall be planted no closer than thirty-five (35) feet to any street corner, measured from the point of nearest intersection of curbs or curb lines.
   (f)   “Street Tree(s)” shall be planted no closer than fifteen (15) feet to any fire hydrant.
   (g)   Only those tree(s) listed on the Street Tree Commission’s approved list of “Street Tree(s)” may be planted in or on the “Tree Lawn,” in or on the public right(s) of way, or in or on property owned by the City of Crestline, Ohio. The approved list of “Street Tree(s)” will be reviewed annually by the Street Tree Commission.
      (Ord. 2929. Passed 9-27-10.)