(a)   The following policy is hereby adopted regulating the sale of water to areas outside the corporate limits of the Municipality.
      (1)   Whenever the Planning Commission recommends to Council that for purposes of the controlled and orderly growth of the environs of the Municipality, it is desirable that water rights be granted to new subdivisions or areas not within the corporate limits of the Municipality and which are not deemed advisable to annex at that time or in the immediate future, Council shall consider such recommendations, each on its own merits, and without being bound by other provisions of this section.
      (2)    Other than subsection (a)(2) hereof or deemed by Council, water rights so granted are on the condition that the applicants and users of such water rights and water shall agree and incorporate in their deed conveying any of the area so affected, appropriate covenants binding upon the grantees, their heirs and assigns forever, to agree to annexation to the Municipality at any time the Municipality indicates it desires for annexation, and to do whatever is necessary to accomplish such result.
         (Ord. 3123. Passed 8-24-15.)
   (b)   In areas outside the corporate limits where water service is now being furnished by the Municipality from existing water lines, the following policy shall apply:
      (1)   The Municipality shall continue to furnish water to the area now being served from the existing water lines located outside the corporate limits.
      (2)   The Municipality shall not furnish water service to any area along the existing lines that is divided after the adoption of this section, nor to any new subdivision or developments of the area along the existing water lines, except as provided in subsection (a) hereof.