925.05 BILLINGS.
   (a)   All water and sewage bills not paid by the fifth of the month shall be subject to a ten percent (10%) penalty. When bills are not paid by the twentieth, service shall be disconnected and thirty-five dollars ($35.00) charged to turn same on.
   (b)   Accounts for water service must be paid in the order in which they are contracted. Accordingly, payment of current accounts will not be accepted until all prior accounts for the same premises have been paid. In the event that the user of water owes for water not used on the premises, then the Municipality at its option may apply the payment to any account owed by the user.
   (c)   When water service has been discontinued by request of the consumer or for nonpayment of bills, or for any other reason set forth herein, a charge of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) shall be made to restore the service.
   (d)   If a meter fails to register, the consumption of water shall be estimated from the Municipality's record of a period when water was supplied under similar conditions, or based on the records of a similar use. (Ord. 2363. Passed 2-15-99.)