(a)   No service pipe connections from curb stop shall be made to more than one distinct premises, dwelling, tenement or trailer.
   (b)   Where more than one family resides, there shall be a meter for each family provided that where there will be more than four separate residential units in one building and the owner of such premises shall be paying the water bill, then the provisions of this section may be waived by the Safety-Service Director.
   (c)   All service connections and plumbing outside the Municipal limits shall be subject to the same rules as are herein provided for within the Municipal limits.
   (d)   The curb shut-off as well as the corporation cock shall be under the control of the Municipality and must not be tampered or interfered with or operated by unauthorized persons.
   (e)   No addition or alteration in any pipe between the water main and the meter or the change of any meter shall be made without permission of the Safety-Service Director.
   (f)   When a service connection is found to have deteriorated to the extent that permanent repairs cannot be made, a new service shall be required to be installed at the expense of the owner. The failure of the owner upon notification to authorize such new service to be installed shall be deemed sufficient cause for discontinuing the supply of water to the premises without further notice.
   (g)   Water service between the curb stop and the meter must be maintained at the expense of the property owner. Service pipe between the main and the curb stop will be maintained by the Municipality. Accordingly the property owner shall be held responsible for any leakage which may occur in such service lines and the Municipality reserves the right to turn off the water in cases where such leakage exists.
   (h)   Fire hydrants are intended primarily for the use of the Fire Department and such use must not be interfered with in any way. Drawing water from fire hydrants by unauthorized person is strictly prohibited unless a permit to do so has been issued.
   (i)   All water used for building purposes shall be furnished through a meter at the regular rate, and billed directly to the owner of such property or the contractor.
   (j)   Water may be turned on into premises to be supplied only by an authorized employee of the Municipality, except, that a licensed plumber may, for testing purposes, turn on the water. The water must be turned off again once it is tested.