(a)   In the event a lot, parcel of land, building or premises discharging sanitary sewage, industrial waste, water or other liquids into the Municipal sewerage system, either directly or indirectly, is not a user of water supplied by the Water Department and the water used thereon or therein is not measured by a Municipal water meter, or by meter acceptable to the Safety-Service Director, then in each such case the amount of water so used shall be otherwise measured or determined by the Safety-Service Director in order to determine the sewer service charge or rental provided in Section 921.14, or the owner or other interested party at his expense may install and maintain a meter acceptable to the Safety-Service Director for such purpose.
(Ord. 845. Passed 12-3-73.)
   (b)   In the case a lot or parcel of land, building or premises discharges industrial wastes, either directly or indirectly into the Municipal sewerage system, and the Safety-Service Director finds that it is not practical to attempt to measure such waste by meter, they shall measure such waste in such manner and by such method as they may find practicable in the light of the conditions and attendant circumstances of the case, in order to determine the sewer service charge or rental. The Municipality may require all property owners to install a meter outside the building.
   (c)   In addition to the charge or rental determined according to the rates specified herein a further charge of ten percent (10%) of such amount so determined shall be added thereto in each case of failure to make prompt payment, and the total thus obtained shall be the sewerage service charge or rental in each such case.
   (d)   The period within which payment shall be made in order to be classified as a "prompt payment" shall be determined by the Safety-Service Director and shall be expressed through the rules or regulations which he is authorized by this chapter to make for the purposes hereof.
   (e)   The sewer service charge or rental shall be payable quarterly at the office of the Water Department and at the option of Council may be made payable at the same time as water bills are payable.
   (f)   For any lot, land, building or premises from which connection is made with the Municipal sewerage system or which begins to discharge sewage, any industrial waste, water or other liquid into the Municipal sewerage system, either directly or indirectly, after this section becomes effective, a charge shall be made pursuant to this section, the same to be a per diem pro rata amount based upon the minimum rate per quarter from the time such sewer connection is made, or such discharge into the Municipal sewerage system, either directly or indirectly, is begun, until the next following quarter period, except should the measured service exceed the minimum charge the corresponding measured rate or rates shall be charged.
   (g)   The charge or rental levied and assessed by this section shall be payable in four quarterly payments in each year, as provided in subsection (e) hereof, provided that the amount of the rental payable for any lot or premises at the first payment period after this section becomes effective shall be determined on the basis of a per diem proratement of the minimum charge herein established beginning with the date this section becomes effective, except that in those cases in which the metered or measured charge will exceed the minimum charge, the metered or measured charge shall be the basis.
   (h)   Each charge or rental levied by or pursuant to this chapter is hereby made a lien upon the corresponding lot, land or premises served by a connection to the sewerage system of the Municipality, and if the payment is not made within ninety days after it is due and payable it shall be certified to the County Auditor, who shall place the same on the tax duplicate of the County with the interest and penalties allowed by law and be collected as other taxes are collected.
   (i)   The charges or rental shall be collected by the Water Department.
   (j)   The funds received from the collection of the charges or rentals authorized by this section shall be deposited daily with the Municipal Treasury and shall be accounted for and be known as the Sewer System Revenue Fund, and when appropriated by Council, shall be available for the payment of the cost and expense of the management, maintenance and repair of the Municipal sewerage system and sewage pumping, treatment and disposal works, and any surplus in such fund shall be used for the payment of the interest on bonds issued and outstanding or which may be issued to provide funds with which to pay the Municipality's portion of the cost of constructing such sewerage system, or part thereof, and to retire such bonds when they mature, and/or for the enlargement or replacement of the sewerage system.
(Ord. 845. Passed 12-3-73.)
   (k)   No lot, parcel of land, building or premises now or hereinafter used by the Municipality for municipal purposes, shall be subject to the sewer charges provided in this chapter; nor shall any water supplied by the Municipal waterworks for extinguishing fires, cleaning fire apparatus and waste collection trucks or furnishing or supplying water to fire hydrants be used to determine any sewer charge as provided in this chapter.
(Ord. 465. Passed 1-17-66.)