(a)   The operation, maintenance and repair of the sewage treatment plant and sanitary sewer system of the Municipality and the construction, use and maintenance and repair of building sewers and connections to the sanitary sewer system of the Municipality shall be the responsibility of and under the control of the Safety-Service Director.
   (b)   The operation, maintenance and repair of the storm sewer system of the Municipality shall be the responsibility of and under the control of the Safety-Service Director.
   (c)   The collection and custody of sewage disposal charges and various permit fees provided in this chapter, and the disbursement thereof, shall be under the supervision and shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer.
   (d)   The Safety-Service Director and Treasurer are hereby authorized to adopt and enforce, subject to the approval of the Mayor, such rules and regulations as they deem necessary in the execution of their responsibilities and duties prescribed in this chapter.
   (e)   The Safety-Service Director and Municipal employees designated by him shall be permitted to enter upon all properties within the Municipality for the purpose of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling and testing in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 465. Passed 1-17-66.)