(a) Before the digging into or the making of excavations in any street or roadway of the Municipality the following provisions must be complied with.
(b) Application shall be made in writing with the Safety-Service Director or his representative by the owner of the property abutting the street or roadway where the excavation or digging is to be made. The application shall state the nature of the work or excavation to be made, its location and extent. At the time such application is filed, it shall be accompanied by a bond in the sum to be determined by the Safety-Service Director but in no event shall such bond be less than five hundred dollars ($500.00). Such bond shall be made payable to the Municipality. Sureties shall be approved by the Director. The bond shall protect the Municipality from any damage to its streets or roadways because of such excavation or digging.
(c) After the application and bond are approved by the Safety-Service Director, the Director or his representative shall then issue a permit.
(d) All excavation and digging into an improved street or roadway shall be backfilled with approved material, compacted and then be covered with an eight inch concrete slab of approved mixture. Such concrete shall lap the sides of the excavation at least twelve inches. The brick or finish surfacing shall then be placed over the slab after approval by the Director. The bond shall remain in force for a period of one year, at which time the excavation site shall be inspected by the Director who shall report to Council, and if the same is approved by them, the bond shall be released. Otherwise the bond shall remain in effect until such time as the same is approved by Council.
(e) All excavation and digging into unimproved streets and roadways shall follow the same procedure unless waived by the Safety-Service Director.
All openings in any street, alley, sidewalk or other public way must be carefully guarded at all times with sufficient barriers, which during the night shall be indicated by colored lights, or torches or such other precautions as shall be necessary to guard the public against accidents. At all times the work shall be done so as to cause the least inconvenience to the property owners and the general public.
The Safety-Service Director shall supervise the improvement, condition and repair of all streets, alleys, avenues, lands, lanes, squares and public grounds in the Municipality, and shall have the right to plant, trim, preserve and remove all trees within the lines of such streets, alleys, avenues, lands, lanes, squares and public grounds as may be necessary to insure safety, or to preserve the trees to the symmetry and beauty of public places. The Director may cause any tree which is in an unsafe condition or which by reason of its nature is injurious to sewers or other improvements, or is affected by any injurious scale or pests to be removed.