The Act requires the Commonwealth Office of Open Records to establish a fee structure for local agencies which the borough hereby adopts as follows.
   (A)   Paper copies shall cost $0.25 per page per side.
   (B)   Certification of record shall cost $1 per document.
   (C)   Those specialized documents (for example blueprints, color copies and nonstandard size documents) shall cost the actual cost of duplication, provided that duplication is possible by the borough.
   (D)   Facsimile/microfiche/or other media shall cost the actual cost of duplication that the borough must expend to duplicate the requested record.
   (E)   There shall be no fee for redaction of documents by the borough.
   (F)   In the event a record is only maintained electronically or in other non-paper media, the duplication fees shall be limited to the lesser of the fee for duplication on paper or the fee for duplication in the original media unless the requestor specifically requests the record to be duplicated in the more expensive media.
   (G)   Postage shall not exceed the actual cost of mailing.
   (H)   In the event requestor wishes to inspect rather than to receive a copy of record and the record contains both public and non-public information, the borough may not charge the requestor for the redaction which may be involved. However, the borough may charge requestor for copies it must make of the redacted material in order for the requestor to view the public record. The fee structure outlined above shall apply. If after inspecting the records requestor chooses to obtain the copies, no additional fee may be charged by the borough.
   (I)   Except as otherwise provided by the statute, the Act states that no other fee may be imposed unless the borough necessarily incurs costs for complying with requests, and such fees must be reasonable. No fee may be imposed for the borough’s review of a record to determine whether the record is a public record or a financial record subject to access in accordance with the Act. No fee may be charged for searching for or retrieval of documents by the borough. The borough may not charge staff time or salary for complying with the right-to-know request.
   (J)   The borough may require the requestor to prepay estimated fees for duplication when the estimate of fees exceed $100.
   (K)   The borough may waive the fee for duplication of a public or financial record, including, but not limited to, when:
      (1)   The requestor duplicates the public record or financial record; or
      (2)   The borough deems it to be in the public interest to do so.
(Prior Code, Ch. 1, § 1-1208) (Res. 2-2009, passed 1-19-2009, § 8)