If the borough determines that a public record contains information that is subject to access and also contains information that is not subject to access the borough’s response shall grant access to the information which is subject to access and shall deny access to information which is not subject to access. In the event that the information which is not subject to access is an integral part of the public or financial record and cannot be separated from said record, the borough shall redact from the record the information which is not subject to access, and shall grant access to the information which is subject to access. The borough shall not deny access to the record if the information which is not subject to access is capable of being redacted. Information which the borough redacts pursuant to this section shall be deemed a denial to that information and may be treated as such by the requestor.
(Prior Code, Ch. 1, § 1-1205) (Res. 2-2009, passed 1-19-2009, § 5)