(A)   Pursuant to the terms of the Act the borough shall designate a person to serve as the borough’s Open Records Officer.
   (B)   In the absence of the borough’s Open Records Officer the duly appointed alternate Open Records Officer shall fulfill the position of the borough’s Open Records Officer until the borough’s Open Records Officer is able to resume his or her duties as set forth herein.
   (C)   The duties of the Open Records Officer shall consist of the following:
      (1)   The Open Records Officer shall receive requests submitted to the borough pursuant to the Act, and shall direct requests to other appropriate persons within and without the borough, and shall track and monitor the borough’s progress in responding to the requests. The Open Records Officer shall also issue interim and final responses to the requesting person(s) as required by the Act.
      (2)   The Open Records Officer shall upon receiving a request for a public or financial record do all of the following as required by the Act:
         (a)   Note the date of receipt of the written request;
         (b)   Compute the date on which the five-day period in which the borough must respond to the request and make a written notation of that date on the written request; and
         (c)   Retain either an electronic or a paper copy of the written request, which shall include all documents submitted with the request until the request has been fulfilled. If the request is denied, the written request shall be maintained for 30 days or, if an appeal is filed, until such time as a final determination is issued or the appeal is deemed to be denied.
(Prior Code, Ch. 1, § 1-1202) (Res. 2-2009, passed 1-19-2009, § 2)