The Cemetery Commission shall elect a President and Borough Secretary/Treasurer from among its own members and shall provide which of said officers, together with the Borough Secretary/Treasurer, shall execute perpetual care certificates for the burial lots. All cemetery burial lots shall remain the property of the borough, title not being passed to the deceased or their families. The fund created for perpetual care and all bank deposits shall be in the name of the borough and be under the control of the Borough Secretary/Treasurer and be countersigned by the Commission President or, in his or her absence, the Commission Treasurer. No accounts setup for cemetery purposes or for perpetual care purposes shall be used by the borough for any other purpose. The use of the funds shall be strictly limited to the care and maintenance of the cemetery and direct costs associated with the operation of the cemetery.
(Prior Code, Ch. 1, § 1-434) (Ord. 321, passed 12-15-1997, § 4)