License suspension or revocation can occur upon:
   (A)   Conviction by the licensee, his or her employees, agents or independent contractors for any offense occurring on the licensed premises involving or related to:
      (1)   The production, presentation, exhibition or performance of any entertainment that is deemed to be obscene;
      (2)   Disorderly conduct;
      (3)   Maintenance of a nuisance in connection with the same or similar business;
      (4)   Prostitution, solicitation for the purpose of prostitution or loitering for the purpose of prostitution;
      (5)   The sale, transfer, possession or use of any controlled substance;
      (6)   The display or exhibition by an employee, agent or independent contractor in the establishment of less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals or pubic region, the cleavage of the human buttocks or portion of the human female breast below a horizontal line across the top of the areola at its highest point, any part of the entire lower portion of the human female breast, excluding cleavage;
      (7)   Any violation of any other section of this chapter; and
      (8)   Any violation of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Code, being 47 P.S. §§ 1-101 et seq.
   (B)   Noncompliance with any health, zoning, fire, building and/or plumbing codes adopted by the borough;
   (C)   The filing of a false application;
   (D)   A conviction for permitting the on premise sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages in any sexually oriented business that is not licensed to sell alcoholic beverages;
   (E)   Any illegal on premises conduct by patrons that results in a criminal conviction of such patron;
   (F)   A violation by any licensee or his or her agents, servants or employees for any action or activity occurring in, on or at the premises covered by the license in violation of any provision of this chapter or any other ordinance of the borough, or of any criminal or penal statute of the Commonwealth against gambling, disorderly conduct or any other criminal or penal offense; a judgment of conviction in any court of competent jurisdiction shall be conclusive evidence of such violation; and
   (G)   The occurrence in, on or at the premises covered by the license any condition which is a nuisance or obnoxious to the morals and general welfare of the public.
(Prior Code, Ch. 13, § 531) (Ord. 1-98, passed 12-7-1998, § XXI) Penalty, see § 114.99