For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   NOXIOUS WEEDS. Include burdock, chicory, crab grass, garlic or wild onion, goldenrod, horse nettle, milk-weed, morning-glory, mullen, perennial thistle (including Canada, Russian, sow, bull and other thistles), poison ivy, quack grass, ragweed, sumac, wild carrot, wild lettuce, wild mustard, wild parsnip, and wild snapdragon, and all other weeds and growths not herein specifically mentioned.
   PERSON. An individual, corporation, partnership, association, or any agent, assistant, employee, servant or representatives thereof.
(Prior Code, Ch. 10, § 302) (Ord. passed 8-6-1945, § 2)