§ 31.05 AGENDA.
   (A)   The Borough Secretary/Treasurer shall prepare an agenda of the matter(s) and business to be addressed by the Board at its meeting. Meeting business shall be conducted in the order shown by the agenda as presented by the Borough Secretary/Treasurer with revisions approved by a majority of the Council.
   (B)   The normal agenda will be as follows:
      (1)   Call to order;
      (2)   Roll call;
      (3)   Reading and approval of minutes;
      (4)   Borough Secretary/Treasurer’s report;
      (5)   Reports of Council, Council persons and committees;
      (6)   Citizen(s) input, on agenda (if arranged with the Borough Secretary/Treasurer, 12 hours before the date of the meeting). The input shall be limited to three minutes each, and a total of one-half hour. In the event that an organized group attends a borough meeting, they shall select a single member as their spokesperson and the single member shall be given ten minutes to present the position of the group. The times may be modified at any time by a majority of the members;
      (7)   Correspondence;
      (8)   Unfinished business;
      (9)   New business;
      (10)   Public participation (which shall not include citizen(s) who already spoke because they were placed on the agenda. The input shall be limited to three minutes each and a total of 15 minutes. In the event that an organized group attends a borough meeting, they shall select a single member as their spokesperson and the single member shall be given ten minutes to present the position of the group. The times may be modified at any time by a majority of the members); and
      (11)   Adjournment.
(Prior Code, Ch. 1, § 1-1005) (Res. 7-96, passed - -1996, § 5; Ord. 323, passed 7-6-1998)