(A)   No persons shall place a dumpster within the borough without first obtaining from the Borough Secretary/Treasurer a permit and paying the fee established. The initial fee shall be $5 per dumpster, and may be increased from time to time by resolution of Council, which shall be for the use of the borough.
   (B)   The permit shall be of a six week duration if the dumpster is placed upon a borough street. If the applicant required additional time, a second permit can be obtained for up to six weeks and a second permit fee paid. No more than two permits shall be issued by the borough for dumpster(s) placed upon borough streets. After the expiration of the second permit, the dumpster shall be removed from the borough.
   (C)   The permit shall be for a one year duration if it is placed upon private property of the permit applicant.
(Prior Code, Ch. 20, § 202) (Ord. 2-99, passed 1-18-1999, § II) Penalty, see § 50.99