(A)   Residential parking restrictions. The following parking restrictions shall apply to all residential properties and residential neighborhoods. On a property designed or used as a residence, no person shall park or store any trailer, boat or motor vehicle in the front yard of property that results in:
      (1)   Uncut grass or weeds under or around the trailer, boat or motor vehicle, or deteriorates the lawn area to the extent that no grass remains under or adjacent to the trailer, boat or motor vehicle; or
      (2)   Creates an un-vegetated area(s) that allows for standing water or significant erosion of the area(s) onto a public street or adjoining property.
   (B)   Other parking restrictions. Nothing contained in this part is intended to nor shall be construed or interpreted to allow parking that is prohibited or restricted by any other provision of this code or by any other provision of law.
(Ord. 2010-O-02, passed 1-26-10)