(A)   (1)   The grantee shall maintain an office within the city.
      (2)   The city shall have the right, upon reasonable request, to inspect and copy or transcribe at any time during normal business hours, all books, records, maps, plans, financial records, service complaint logs, performance test results and other like materials of the grantee kept or maintained by the grantee or under its control concerning the operations, finances, affairs, transactions or property of the grantee when necessary to ascertain the grantee’s compliance with this chapter or the franchise agreement.
      (3)   Access to the aforementioned records shall not be denied by the grantee on the basis that the records contained “proprietary” information.
   (B)   If any of the maps or records are not kept in the city, or upon reasonable request made available in the city, and if the city shall determine that an examination of the records is necessary or appropriate, all reasonable expenses necessarily incurred in making the examination shall be paid by the grantee.
(Ord. passed 8-27-02)