(A)   It is hereby declared to be the policy of the city that the occupants of the residences in the city shall make the determination of whether solicitors shall be, or shall not be, invited to their respective residences.
   (B)   Notice of the refusal of invitation to solicitors, to any residence, shall be given on a weatherproof card, approximately three inches by four inches in size, exhibited upon or near the main entrance door to the residence, indicating the determination by the occupant, containing the applicable words, as follows:
   (C)   The letters shall be at least one-third-inch in height. For the purpose of uniformity, the cards shall be provided by the Chief of Police to persons requesting, at the cost thereof.
   (D)   The card so exhibited shall constitute sufficient notice to any solicitor of the determination by the occupant of the residence of the information contained thereon.
   (E)   Violation of this section may constitute an infraction in accordance with § 10.99 of this Code and G.S. § 14-4.
(`84 Code, § 6-1013) (Am. Ord. 2022-O-01, passed 3-1-22) Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference: 
   Regulation of solicitations and itinerant merchants authorized, see G.S. § 160A-178