(A) Permitting and planning a park. Any person seeking to establish, operate, alter, or expand a manufactured home park shall obtain a permit to construct or a license to operate a manufactured home park. CONSTRUCT OR OPERATE A MANUFACTURED HOME PARK, as used in this chapter, shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, supplying or maintaining common water, sewer, or other utility supplies or services or the collection of rents, directly or indirectly, from two or more independent manufactured homes. All plans shall be submitted to the City Council or Plan Commission for approval prior to the granting of a permit.
(Prior Code, § 23-3-2)
(B) Local government requirements. A permit does not relieve the applicant from complying with this chapter or other ordinances applicable thereto.
(Prior Code, § 23-3-3)
(C) Permits. The Plan Commission or the City Council shall review each application and plan documents submitted. When the application and plan documents are found to be in compliance with the Manufactured Home Community Code, as approved by the State Department of Public Health, the City Council or its designee may issue the proper permit to construct or alter a manufactured home park to the applicant. Permits shall be valid for one year from date of issue.
(Prior Code, § 23-3-4)
(D) Inspection of manufactured home park. Upon completion of the proposed construction of a manufactured home park or the proposed alteration of a manufactured home park, the applicant shall notify the city or the designated official in order that an inspection of the complete facilities can be made.
(Prior Code, § 23-3-5)
(E) Violation proceedings. Any license granted hereunder shall be subject to revocation or suspension by the Mayor. However, the Mayor or his or her representative shall first serve or cause to be served upon the licensee a written notice in which shall be specified the way or ways in which such licensee has failed to comply with the statutes or any rules or regulations promulgated by the city pertaining thereto. The notice shall require the licensee to remove or abate such nuisance, unsanitary, or objectionable condition, specified in such notice within five days or within a longer period of time as may be allowed by the City Council. If the licensee fails to comply with the terms and conditions of the notice within the time specified or such extended period of time, the Mayor or his or her representative may revoke or suspend such license.
(Prior Code, § 23-3-6)
(F) Initial permit required. Each manufactured home that locates on a lot in a manufactured home park shall secure an initial building or zoning permit from the city. All future locations on the same lot shall be exempt from the fee.
(Prior Code, § 23-3-7)