§ 153.068 BACKFILLING.
   (A)   Any pit, trench, or excavation created during the installation of facilities shall be backfilled for its full width, depth, and length using methods and materials in accordance with IDOT’s Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. When excavated material is hauled away or is unsuitable for backfill, suitable granular backfill shall be used.
   (B)   (1)   For a period of three years from the date construction of a facility is completed, the utility shall be responsible to remove and restore any backfilled area that has settled due to construction of the facility.
      (2)   If so ordered by the Superintendent, the utility, at its expense, shall remove any pavement and backfill material to the top of the installed facility, place and properly compact new backfill material, and restore new pavement, sidewalk, curbs, and driveways to the proper grades, as determined by the Superintendent.
(Prior Code, § 33-4-16)