(A) Standards and principles. All construction in the right-of-way shall be consistent with applicable ordinances, codes, laws, rules, and regulations and commonly recognized and accepted traffic control and construction principles, sound engineering judgment, and, where applicable, the principles and standards set forth in the following IDOT publications, as amended from time to time:
(1) Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction;
(2) Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions;
(3) Highway Design Manual;
(4) Highway Standards Manual;
(5) Standard Specifications for Traffic Control Items;
(6) State Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (92 Ill. Adm. Code 545);
(7) Flagger’s Handbook; and
(8) Work Site Protection Manual for Daylight Maintenance Operations.
(B) Interpretation of municipal standards and principles. If a discrepancy exists between or among differing principles and standards required by this chapter, the Superintendent shall determine, in the exercise of sound engineering judgment, which principles apply and such decision shall be final. If requested, the Superintendent shall state which standard or principle will apply to the construction, maintenance, or operation of a facility in the future.
(Prior Code, § 33-4-13)