(A)   Sidewalks.
      (1)   Grade. No sidewalk shall be built above or below the established grade of the city, and in all cases where no grade is established, any person building a sidewalk shall build the same according to the instructions of the Street Superintendent and the City Council. No one shall build a sidewalk unless it consist of new construction. No one shall remove or destroy a sidewalk without replacing the same with a new sidewalk.
      (2)   Permit. It shall be unlawful for any person to build, lay, or construct any sidewalk along any property in the city or along any of the streets, alleys, or public highways thereon without first filing an application for a permit with the City Clerk and approved by the City Council.
      (3)   Cost to owner. If the funds are available and the City Council approves the request, the property owner shall pay the cost of the concrete, and thereafter, the sidewalk shall be constructed by the city. The cost of construction shall not include any engineering fees; these shall be paid by the city.
      (4)   Subdivisions. This division (A) is not applicable to new subdivisions.
(Prior Code, § 33-5-1)
   (B)   Curbs and gutters.
      (1)   Request in writing. 
         (a)   Any person owning property within the city who desires to have new curbs and gutters constructed along the street adjoining his or her premises shall file a request with the Street Superintendent, giving the location of the property and the length of the curbs and gutters requested.
         (b)   All installations shall conform to the requirements of 65 ILCS 5/11-80-11 and the Environmental Barriers Act.
      (2)   Cost to owner. If the funds are available and the City Council approves the request, the property owner shall pay one-half of the cost of the construction, including engineering fees, and thereafter, the curbs and gutters shall be maintained by the city.
      (3)   Approval by City Council. The approval of the request for construction of curbs and gutters by the City Council shall be dependent upon the approval of funds, priority of projects, and continuity of construction for the best benefit of the city, as determined by the City Council.
      (4)   Subdivisions. This division (B) is not applicable to new subdivisions.
(Prior Code, § 33-5-2)
   (C)   Storm sewers.
      (1)   Description of stormwater sewers. Stormwater sewers shall be any pipe or sewer used for the carrying of surface drains, groundwaters, roof leaders, or stormwaters, rain waters, or other waters other than sanitary sewage.
      (2)   Supervision. The Superintendent of the Water and Sewer Departments shall supervise all connections made to the public storm sewer system or excavations for the purposes of installing or repairing the same.
      (3)   Permits. Before any connection is made to the public stormwater sewers, a permit shall be applied for and approved by the Superintendent or his or her designated representative.
      (4)   Requirements; use of stormwater sewers.
         (a)   Where a stormwater sewer is accessible in a street, alley, or easement to a building or premises abutting thereon, the surface drains, groundwaters, roof leaders, or stormwaters shall be discharged into the stormwater sewer unless otherwise authorized by the city.
         (b)   Under no conditions shall sanitary sewage or wastes or any substance other than surface waters, groundwaters, roof waters, or stormwaters be permitted to flow into or be connected to the stormwater sewer, and no sanitary sewer shall be connected to the stormwater sewer system.
(Prior Code, § 33-5-3)
Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see 65 ILCS 5/11-80-7, 65 ILCS 5/11-80-11, and 65 ILCS 5/11-80-13