For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   JUNK. As used in this chapter shall be held to mean and include scrap and old iron, steel, chain, brass, copper, magnesium, aluminum, tin, lead, or other base metals, scrap lumber, old rope, old bags, rags, waste paper, paper clippings, scraps of woolens, clips, bagging, rubber and glass, and empty bottles of different kinds or sizes when the number of each kind or size is less than one gross; any wrecked or dilapidated motor vehicle, engine, or machinery received, stored, or held for more than 90 days; and all articles and things discarded or no longer used as a manufactured article composed of or consisting of any one or more of the materials or articles herein mentioned.
   JUNK DEALER. As used in this chapter, shall be held to mean and include every person, firm, partnership, or corporation that shall engage in the business of buying, selling, bartering, or exchanging or shall collect, receive, store, or hold in possession for sale, barter, or exchange any of the things in and by this section defined as junk.
   JUNKYARD. As used in this chapter, shall be held to mean and include the premises on which a junk dealer is engaged in the business of buying, selling, bartering, exchanging, or collecting, receiving, storing, or holding in possession for sale, barter, or exchange any of the things in and by this section defined as junk. (See Chapter 92, §§ 93.01 through 93.08, and §§ 93.55 through 93.37.)
(Prior Code, § 7-4-1)