(A)   Notice to person. The Chief of Police or a designated representative may issue a written notice for removal of garbage or debris. Such garbage or debris shall be removed by the owner or occupant within five days after such notice has been duly served.
(Prior Code, § 25-3-2)
   (B)   Service of notice. Service of notice provided for herein may be effected by handing of the same to the owner, occupant, or lessee of the premises or to any member of his or her household of the age of 15 years or older found on the premises or by mailing such notice to the last known residence address of the owner; provided, if the premises are unoccupied and the owner’s address cannot be obtained, then the notice may be served by posting the same upon the premises.
(Prior Code, § 25-3-3)
   (C)   Abatement. If the person so served does not abate the nuisance within five days, the city may proceed to abate such nuisance, and the charge shall be $750, and all other costs to abate the such nuisance shall be charged to and paid by such owner or occupant.
(Prior Code, § 25-3-4)
(Ord. 14-15, passed 4-14-2014)