The open burning of landscape waste shall be permitted only on the following conditions.
(A) Landscape waste shall be burned on the premises on which such waste is generated.
(B) Landscape waste shall be burned only when atmospheric conditions shall readily dissipate contaminants.
(C) Landscape waste may be burned only if such burning does not create a visibility hazard on roadways, walkways, or railroad tracks.
(D) Open burning of landscape waste may only take place during daylight hours with a person over 18 years of age in attendance during the entire period of burning.
(E) No open burning of landscape waste shall be permitted on any streets or roadways.
(F) No open burning shall occur during periods of time when the Fire Chief or the Chief of Police have determined that atmospheric conditions or local circumstances make such fires hazardous and dangerous.
(G) No person shall burn any item before the hour of 8:00 a.m. and after the hour of 8:00 p.m., with the exception of burning fuels for legitimate campfire, recreational, and cooking purposes.
(H) The setting of fires to combat or limit existing fires, when reasonably necessary in the judgment of the responsible government official, is permissible.
(I) The burning of fuels for legitimate campfire, recreational, and cooking purposes or in domestic fireplaces in areas where such burning is consistent with other laws, provided that no garbage shall be burned in such cases, is permitted.
(J) The burning of waste gases is permitted provided that, in the case of refineries, all such flares shall be equipped with smokeless tips or comparable devices to reduce pollution.
(K) Small open flames for heating tar, for welding, acetylene torches, highway safety flares, and the like is acceptable.
(Prior Code, § 27-9-3) (Ord. 14-12, passed 4-14-2014)
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see 415 ILCS 5/1 et seq.