(A)   (1)   Grease, oil, and sand interceptors shall be provided in accordance with the State Plumbing Code to assure the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease in excessive amounts or any flammable wastes, sand, or other harmful ingredients; except, such interceptors shall not be required for private living quarters or dwelling units. All interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by the city and shall be located as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection.
      (2)   All grease interceptors shall be serviced and emptied of accumulated waste content as required or at a minimum of once every four months in order to maintain minimum design capability or effective volume of the grease interceptor and to prevent carry over of grease into the sanitary sewer system. All fast food and sit-down restaurants shall install a grease interceptor with a capacity of at least 1,500 gallons and designed in accordance with Appendix A. Food establishments that serve a minimum amount of fried foods (such as deli sandwich shops) shall install a grease interceptor with a capacity of at least 1,000 gallons and designed in accordance with Appendix B.
   (B)   Users whose operations cause or allow excessive grease to discharge or accumulate in the city wastewater collection and treatment system may be liable to the city for costs related to service calls for sewer line blockages, line cleaning, line and pump repairs, and the like, including all labor, materials, and equipment. Failure to pay all service related charges may also be grounds for sewer service discontinuance.
   (C)   A grease trap cleaning/maintenance log indicating each pumping for the previous 24 months shall be maintained by each food service facility. This log shall include the date, time, amount pumped, hauler, and disposal site and shall be kept in a conspicuous location for inspection. Said log shall be made available to the city or his or her representative upon request.
   (D)   Each user shall submit all cleaning and maintenance records to the city. The maintenance records shall include the following information:
      (1)   Facility name, address, contact person, and phone number;
      (2)   Company name, address, phone number, and contact name of person responsible for performing the maintenance, cleaning, pumping, or repair of grease trap;
      (3)   Types of maintenance performed;
      (4)   Dates maintenance was performed;
      (5)   Date of next scheduled maintenance;
      (6)   Copies of manifests; and
      (7)   The user shall be required to submit maintenance records to the city on an annual basis. Records shall be submitted by September 1 of each year. The records shall be submitted to: Attn: Wastewater Superintendent
   (E)   (1)   The city will perform periodic inspections of these facilities and shall notify the user of any additional required maintenance or repairs.
      (2)   Upon written notification by the city, the user shall be required to perform the maintenance and records of said maintenance within 14 calendar days.
      (3)   Upon inspection by the city, the user may be required to install, at his or her expense, additional controls to provide a complete system which prevents discharges of undesirable materials into the wastewater collection system.
   (F)   Control plan for fats, oils, greases (fog), and food waste shall include the following.
      (1)   Any new construction, renovation, or expansion of food service facilities shall be required to submit to the city a FOG and Food Waste Control Plan that will effectively control the discharge of undesirable materials into the wastewater collection system.
      (2)   Any existing food service facilities shall also be required to submit a FOG and Food Waste Control Plan that will effectively control the discharge of undesirable materials into the wastewater collection system. Existing facilities shall not be exempt from the requirements of this section. There will be no grandfathering.
   (G)   Should existing facilities be hampered by space constraints or restrictions caused by unchangeable plumbing, an alternative interceptor may be approved, provided that:
      (1)   Said interceptor and installation is endorsed by a licensed plumbing contractor in regard to its operability;
      (2)   Said interceptor and installation is endorsed by the City Engineer; and
      (3)   Said interceptor and installation is approved by the Superintendent and the Water and Sewer Committee.
   (H)   Such installations may be subject to more stringent inspections and maintenance schedules.
(Prior Code, § 38-4-54)