(A) Connection charge.
(1) Inside city. Applicants for water service inside the city shall pay a charge of $800 per unit served plus the cost of all labor and materials supplied by the city, if any. Each dwelling, commercial, and industrial unit shall be assessed at connection charge.
(2) Outside city. Applicants for water service outside the city limits shall pay $800 plus the cost of labor and materials supplied by the city, if any.
(3) State Plumbing Code. All water tap and service connections made to the mains of the waterworks system of the city shall conform to the regulations of this chapter and of the State Plumbing Code. All connections and installations shall be made by the City Utilities Department. (See 65 ILCS 5/11-150-1.)
(Prior Code, § 38-3-78)
(B) Water rates. There shall be established the following rates and charges for the use of the water system of the city, based upon the amount of water consumed as follows:
(1) Water rates inside city.
First 1,000 gallons per month | $25.18 minimum charge |
Over 1,000 gallons per month | $9.75 per 1,000 gallons |
(2) County housing water service.
First 12,000 gallons per month | $266.16 minimum charge |
Over 12,000 gallons per month | $8.52 per 1,000 gallons |
(3) Multiple-family dwellings and manufactured home parks. Multiple-family dwellings and manufactured home parks and other multiple users shall be charged so that the aforesaid rates apply separately to each dwelling or other unit and to each manufactured home. Accordingly, the charge for multiple-family dwelling, manufactured home parks, and other multiple-use buildings, served by one meter or by a lesser number of meters than there are dwelling or other units or manufactured homes shall be determined by dividing the total units used in a given month by the number of dwellings or other units in the building and manufactured homes in a manufactured home park and, then, by applying to the quotient so obtained, the aforesaid rates, as the case may be. This latter figure shall then be multiplied by the total number of dwelling units in the multiple-family dwelling and manufactured homes in a manufactured home park to obtain the proper charge for such dwelling or manufactured home park established by this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 38-3-79)
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see 65 ILCS 5/11-150-1