(A)   Any growth of weeds or grass 12 inches or higher is a violation:
      (1)   Any improved property shall be cut in its entirety. Improved property means any parcel that has been altered from its natural state for development.
      (2)   Every owner and/or occupant of any lot, on any street, shall keep the right-of-way, the planting strip, street curbs, storm drains, sidewalks, driveways, and the like, free and clear of any grass, weeds, vegetation, and other debris.
      (3)   This subsection shall not apply to lands certified, dedicated, or designated by the Town or other appropriate governmental agency as vegetative buffer, floodplain, stream buffer, open space or other natural or environmentally sensitive area established to protect the public or protect and preserve natural greenways, floodways, streams or water quality.
   (B)   Any accumulation of animal or vegetable matter that is offensive by virtue of strong odors or vapors or by the inhabitance therein of rats, mice, snakes or vermin of any kind;
   It shall be the responsibility of the owner and/or occupant to cut and/or remove all grass, weeds, or accumulation of other noxious matter listed herein as often as necessary to comply with the provisions of this section. (Ord. passed 1-10-2022)