(A)   Whenever the Town Manager determines that, because of the nature of a commercial establishment or because of the type of activity that regularly occurs on any nonresidential premises, solid wastes are commonly or routinely deposited by the customers, employees, licensees or invitees of the premises onto the parking areas or other open spaces of the premises or adjacent properties or streets, the Town Manager may require that the person in possession of the premises provide and locate on the premises, in locations specified by the Town Manager to be necessary to minimize the litter problem to the extent reasonably possible and practicable under the circumstances. This section is specifically intended to apply, but shall not be limited to, those establishments commonly known as fast food restaurants, strip shopping centers and convenience stores.
   (B)   The presumptions established by this section are that, to satisfy the standard set forth in division (A) of this section, one refuse receptacle for every 20 parking spaces or fraction thereof, with a minimum of two receptacles per parking lot, will be required for establishments commonly known as fast food restaurants and convenience stores, and one refuse receptacle for every 30 parking spaces or fraction thereof, with a minimum of two receptacles per parking lot, will be required for establishments commonly known as strip shopping centers. However, these are only presumptive standards to guide the discretion of the Town Manager, and the Town Manager may find in any particular case that more or fewer receptacles are necessary to satisfy the standard set forth in division (A) of this section.
   (C)   Whenever premises served by bulk containers are required under division (A) of this section to locate on the premises other refuse receptacles for the use of employees, customers, licensees or invitees, or whenever the other refuse receptacles are furnished voluntarily, the person in possession of the premises shall collect the solid waste deposited in the containers and place this material in the bulk containers serviced by the town or by a private contractor.
   (D)   No person on the parking area or other open spaces of any premises where refuse receptacles are provided for the convenience of customers, employees, licensees or invitees may place, discard, throw, drop or deposit or cause to be placed, thrown, dropped or deposited, any solid wastes on the premises except in properly designated receptacles.
(‘87 Code, § 11-4) (Am. Res. 2018-04, passed 5-17-18; Ord. passed 3-19-2024) Penalty, see § 92.999