(A)   No person may cause, suffer or permit solid wastes to accumulate or remain on premises under his or her control except in accordance with the provisions of §§ 92.030 through 92.999 of this chapter. The remaining divisions of this section are not intended to limit the generality of the foregoing.
   (B)   It shall be the responsibility of the general contractor to see that all construction and demolition contractors keep the site in as reasonably clean and litter free condition as possible for a construction or demolition site. All loose debris, paper, building material waste, scrap building materials and other trash produced by those working on the site shall be containerized or disposed of in any other reasonable manner by the contractor. Dirt, mud, construction materials or other debris deposited upon any public or private property as a result of construction or demolition shall be immediately removed by the contractor.
   (C)   All commercial establishments shall, particularly with respect to their loading and unloading areas, store their refuse in containers so as to eliminate wind driven debris and litter in and about the establishments. Approved methods of containerization include refuse receptacles and bulk containers. Spillage and overflow shall be immediately cleaned up by the establishment.
   (D)   The person in possession of property shall maintain the property, including sidewalks, grass strips, one-half of alleys, curbs or rights-of-way up to the edge of the pavement of any public street, in a clean and litter-free manner.
   (E)   Parking lots shall be maintained by the person in possession in a clean, litter-free manner, with all trash generated therein containerized and prevented from spreading to adjoining property. It shall be the responsibility of the person in possession of the parking lot to collect the refuse and trash deposited on the lot and place this material in containers serviced by the town or a private contractor.
(‘87 Code, § 11-2) (Am. Res. 2018-04, passed 5-17-18; Ord. passed 3-19-2024) Penalty, see § 92.999
   For special cleaning or repairs and requirements, see § 94.24