(A)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to enhance and improve the visual quality and aesthetic characteristics of the town and areas within the town’s zoning jurisdiction.
   (B)   Mission, goals, objectives.
      (1)   For the purposes cited above, and for promoting the general welfare of the town and its citizens, the Town Board does hereby ordain, adopt and enact this section in its entirety, which shall be known as the “Cramerton Beautification Committee Ordinance”.
      (2)   The mission of the town’s Beautification Commission shall be to enhance the visual quality and aesthetic characteristics of the town by advising and assisting the Town Board in:
         (a)   To initiate, promote and assist in the implementation of programs of general community beautification in the town, subject to the concurrence of the Town Board;
         (b)   Fostering neighborhood pride;
         (c)   Seek to coordinate, while not representing the Town Board or management without prior authorization, the activities of individuals, agencies and organizations, public and private, whose plans, activities or programs bear upon the appearance of the town;
         (d)   To make studies of the visual characteristics and problems of the town, including surveys and inventories of an appropriate nature, and to recommend standards and policies of design for the entire area, any portion or neighborhood thereof, or any project to be undertaken;
         (e)   Promoting and disseminating “best management practices”; that are good examples of enhancing community appearance for residential, commercial and public sites;
         (f)   Acknowledging achievement and excellence of citizens in fulfilling the purposes of this section;
         (g)   Showcasing natural and architectural beauty;
         (h)   Encouraging appealing: community entrances; seasonal or holiday decorations; and signage;
         (i)   Encouraging well planned, coordinated tree planting, preservation and maintenance throughout the town;
         (j)   Reviewing and advising the Town Board, or the Town Department designated by the Board, as to the appearance of publicly owned or maintained property and spaces;
         (k)   Reviewing and advising the Planning Department as to compliance with the town’s ordinances regarding sanitation, public works, housing and other regulations affecting the community appearance;
         (l)   Discouraging littering and blight;
         (m)   To prepare both general and specific plans for the improved appearance of the town. These plans may include the entire area or any part thereof, and may include private as well as public property. The plans shall set forth desirable standards and goals for the aesthetic enhancement of the town or any part thereof within its area of planning and zoning jurisdiction, including private ways and areas and open spaces; and
         (n)   Administer the town’s Facade Grant Program.
   (C)   General governing document. The Beautification Committee shall be governed by the regulations contained herein. For matters not covered by these by-laws, the Committee shall follow the rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. The Committee shall serve only as an advisory board regarding the appearance and beautification of the town. The Committee does have the authority to administer the town’s Facade Grant Program. The Committee shall serve as a forum for the introduction of innovative and new ideas, concepts, programs, policies and procedures.
   (D)   Membership. The Beautification Committee membership shall consist of nine members, of which seven shall be voting members and two shall be alternates each appointed to three-year terms. Three members’ terms expire each year, so that the staggered terms provide for continuity of leadership and experience while allowing for new members with fresh ideas. Terms shall run from January 1 in the year appointed to December 31 of the expiration year. All members shall be current residents of the town, and will apply to the Board of Commissioners. Any member seeking reappointment must submit an updated application that addresses the willingness to serve an additional term. The Town Planning Director will serve as Town Staff Liaison, and a member of the Board of Commissioners (BOC) will be appointed annually to serve as Board Liaison to the Beautification Committee. If a Committee member resigns during his or her term, the alternate with the longest service will finish out the term of that member, and a new alternate will be appointed by the BOC to finish out the alternate position’s term.
   (E)   Compensation and expenses. The members of the Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the Town Board without compensation, but shall be entitled to reimbursement for subsistence and travel to appropriate professional meetings and workshops, with such reimbursement being made in compliance with the town’s Personnel Policy Travel Reimbursement Policy.
   (F)   Attendance at meetings. Faithful and prompt attendance at all meetings of the Committee and conscientious performance of the duties required of members shall be imperative to continuing membership on the Committee. Should a member of the Beautification Committee fail to attend three consecutive meetings or attendance is less than 60% in any 12-month period, the Chairperson shall contact the member to determine his or her interest in continuing to serve on the Committee. Should there be no reasonable excuse for such absences, the Chairperson, with the concurrence of a quorum of the Committee present at a regular meeting, may recommend to the Town Board that a vacancy be declared and request that the vacant position be filled.
   (G)   Officers.
      (1)   Chairperson. The Chairperson will be elected by the members of the Beautification Committee at the first meeting in January of each year. The Chairperson is eligible for re-election, shall preside at each meeting and shall decide on all points of order and procedure. The Chairperson shall vote on all matters before the Committee and is granted extraordinary voting powers (an extra vote) in the case of a tie vote. The Chairperson will work with staff to establish an agenda for each meeting. Upon resignation or some incapacity visited upon the Chairperson, the Committee shall elect a new Chairperson within 90 days to complete the existing term of office.
      (2)   Secretary. A Secretary shall be elected by the Committee from its members in the same manner as the Chairperson and shall be eligible for re-election. The Secretary shall take minutes of all meetings and causes the minutes to be printed and made available to the Town Board, Town Manager and other members of the Beautification Committee each month.
   (H)   Voting. All voting members of the Committee shall vote on every issue, except in a situation where a member of the Committee shall be excused from voting, by the Chairperson, on matters involving direct personal or financial interest. In the event that a member abstains from voting for reasons other than direct personal or financial interest, the abstention shall be ruled by the Chairperson as an affirmative vote. An alternate member may vote in the absence of a voting member. The Chairperson will have the right to vote and will also have the authority to break a tie vote with extraordinary voting powers (an extra vote).
   (I)   Meetings.
      (1)   Regular meetings. Regular meetings of the Committee shall be held on the first Monday night of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Board chambers of Town Hall.
      (2)   Special meetings. Special meetings of the Committee shall be held at a time and place designated by the Chairperson, any two Committee members or the Town Manager, providing at least 48 hours of notice is provided to all members.
      (3)   Cancellation of meetings. When there is no business for the Committee, monthly meetings may be canceled. Notice will be given to all members of such cancellation.
      (4)   Quorum. A quorum consists of a majority of the Committee membership. A quorum is four of seven members.
      (5)   Conduct of meetings. All meetings shall be open to the public. The order of business at Committee meetings shall be as follows:
         (a)   Determination of a quorum;
         (b)   Approval of minutes of previous meeting;
         (c)   Old business;
         (d)   New business; and
         (e)   Adjournment.
      (6)   Change in by-laws. The by-laws may be amended by a majority of the full Committee and overall approval by the Town Board.
      (7)   Public record. All records of the Beautification Committee shall be made available to the public in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes.
   (J)   Subcommittees. Any time that the Board of Commissioners or Beautification Committee deems there is a specific need for enhanced focus for a major project or ongoing effort, a subcommittee may be formed. Such subcommittee must be approved by a majority vote of the Town Board of Commissioners. The number of members on said Board should be no less than five, but may be as many as the Beautification Committee deems appropriate due to amount of effort expected. Any subcommittee should have at least two members of the Beautification Committee among its membership, but no more than 40% of the subcommittee shall also serve on the Beautification Committee either voting or non- voting members (i.e., a subcommittee of five members should have no more or less than two Board members while a subcommittee of nine members must have at least two Board members, but no more than three members). The formation of a subcommittee will have a document outlining the specific duties, responsibilities and goals, as well as what goals/timelines need to be met for the dissolution of the subcommittee.
   (K)   Conflict with other ordinances and resolutions. These by-laws shall supersede any earlier adopted ordinance or resolution of the Town Board pertaining to the Beautification Committee of which are or may become in conflict with the provision of this section.