(A)   Auxiliary law enforcement personnel may be appointed by the Chief of Police and approved by the Town Manager. The auxiliary personnel shall be regarded in all respects as part-time employees and shall be subject to the town’s personnel policy. The terms “auxiliary law enforcement personnel” and “reserve police officer” shall be synonymous.
   (B)   Duly appointed auxiliary law enforcement officers shall, while training and while performing duties on behalf of the town incidental to other appointments, be entitled to worker’s compensation benefits to the same extent as other town employees. Compensation payments to the personnel shall be based upon the entrance salary of a town police officer at the time of the injury.
   (C)   Upon approval of the Board, an auxiliary police officer who is disabled by injuries received in the line of duty for the Police Department shall be eligible for the following benefits.
      (1)   The auxiliary police officer shall receive the full salary equivalent to that paid to full-time police officers at the entry level for the first 60 working days of the disability; provided that, any payment which the employee receives for this period under worker’s compensation laws shall be deducted from the sum paid by the town.
      (2)   If the disability continues beyond 60 working days, the auxiliary police officer may be granted additional benefits under the conditions outlined in division (C)(1) above upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police, Town Manager and with the approval of the Board.
   (D)   The town shall be entitled to the same immunities with respect to the action of auxiliary police officers in the performance of their duties or training or otherwise, to which it is entitled with respect to the actions of regular police officers in the performance of their duties.